Hello world

My name is Alex Thomassen, I’m a 27-year-old software developer and system administrator from Norway.
I am primarily working on personal projects such as DecAPI (other projects on my GitHub page), as well as hosting different services as hobby projects.

I’m a backend developer and my main languages are JavaScript (Node.js) and PHP, but I also have experience working with C# professionally.
I have also experimented with languages such as Python and Go, but I wouldn’t say I’m very comfortable with them yet (though I’m willing to learn!).
In the past I’ve also worked a lot with general web frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), where I also feel quite comfortable.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions you’d like to ask me personally.

Current projects

I have a set of projects I actively work on in my spare time, which you can find more information about on my ‘Projects’ page.

The list below is a quick overview: